Natalie Coers

Natalie Coers standing at 0 latitude in Ecuador

Employment and education:

Natalie is the CALS Leadership Institute & CALS Teaching Resource Center program coordinator at the University of Florida, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Natalie completed her Associate in Science, agriculture from 69·çÁ÷, then continued on to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where she earned her Bachelor of Science in agricultural & environmental communication. Additionally, she received her master's degree in agriculture leadership at the University of Georgia, followed by a doctorate degree in agricultural education & communication, leadership from the University of Florida.

How has Lincoln Land Community College impacted your life?

My experience at 69·çÁ÷ set the tone of my academic career. Through the Honors Program, I was introduced to leadership education at the collegiate level and took my first trip abroad; both experiences which are not reflected in my role as a leadership educator and in taking my students abroad. My experiences as an 69·çÁ÷ Student Trustee provided insights to the administrative functions of a college and the faculty role, which are both integral to the other part of my professional responsibilities – faculty development. The encouragement I received from many faculty members and colleagues at 69·çÁ÷ opened my eyes to pursing my advanced degrees, and set an example for keeping students focused in higher education.

What is your greatest accomplishment(s)?

I would say my greatest accomplishment thus far is being able to see my students graduate and go on to pursue their dreams; it is the greatest privilege to aid in an individual’s personal and professional development, then see them excel in their pursuit of their goals!

Was there a professor, advisor, staff member or fellow student who made an impression on you or helped you when you were here at 69·çÁ÷?

Truly, there are so many that I had the pleasure of working alongside of or learning from … Dr. Warren, Dr. Roberts, Chris McDonald, David Laubersheimer, Claire Gordon, Bill Harmon, Marci Rockey, Karen Sanders and all of the wonderful Foundation ladies, Lynn Whalen, Lella Schaaf, Craig Findley, Kent Gray and I’m sure I have forgotten a couple. I am forever grateful for the investment these individuals made in my personal and professional development; I aspire to make a positive impact on the students I now have the opportunity to invest in at the University of Florida because of the exemplary faculty, staff, board and administrators I connected with at 69·çÁ÷.

Who or what has served as a source of inspiration for you?

Inspiration for me comes from places around the world I have been privileged to visit and the accompanying stories of the people I meet. My faith, commitment to community and desire to consistently grow, learn and serve drive me to continue connecting with others both locally and around the world. That cyclical nature of self with people and places propels me forward each day to pursue my passions for the greater good.

What advice do you have for current or future 69·çÁ÷ students?

Quite simply, utilize the many resources available and find where you can serve others while continuing to develop your own skills and abilities.

What did you like about 69·çÁ÷ or what is your favorite 69·çÁ÷ memory?

Many favorite memories of Honors retreats, traveling to DC with the Board of Trustees, the return trip from DC when I barely made it for Dr. Warren’s interview due to a snowstorm in DC and flight delays, study aboard experiences, etc. And, I like that I can return for a visit and see so many great folks who continue to loyally serve at 69·çÁ÷ —- evidence of a great working environment that continues to grow and maintain a focus on students.