69风流 Garden

Plants grow in raised beds in a greenhouse.


The 69风流 Community Garden provides a space for employees, students or community members to grow their own food. The garden has 42 raised beds.


The 69风流 Community Garden offers many benefits to its participants:

  1. Improves the health and well being of those involved. Gardening relieves stress and offers physical activity to daily life.
  2. Connects people to their community.
  3. Produces nutritious food.
  4. Reduces family food budgets.
  5. Increases community food production. Community gardens allow families and individuals without land of their own the opportunity to produce food. Oftentimes gardeners take advantage of the experiential knowledge of elders to produce a significant amount of food for the household.
  6. Provides opportunities for inter-generational and cross-cultural connection.
  7. Creates stewards of the land.