All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
CNA/NAS Adjunct Instructor | Health Professions
Building Custodian | Facilities
Sangamon Hall
Misty Hagstrom
Graphic and Website Coordinator | Public Relations & Marketing
Menard Hall
Lindee Hall
Business Adjunct Instructor | Social Sciences & Business
Megan Hallberg
Student Records Evaluator | Records
Menard Hall
Communication Adjunct Instructor | Arts & Communication
Steve Handy
Grounds Maintenance Supervisor | Facilities
Maintenance Building
Police Sergeant | Police and Security
Sangamon Hall
Kerry Harden
Administrative Assistant to the Dean | Academic Innov. and eLearning
Sangamon Hall
Academic Success Professional | Center for Academic Success
Sangamon Hall
Child Development Assistant | Child Development Center
Child Development Center
Andrew Harmon
Instructor, Radiology | Health Professions
Logan Hall
Bill Harmon
Professor, Agriculture | Natural & Agricultural Science
Kreher Agriculture Center
Theatre Adjunct Instructor | Arts & Communication
Christine Hart-Foster
Parent Educator | Child Development Center
Child Development Center
Art Adjunct Instructor | Arts & Communication
Richard Hayes
Student Success Advisor I | Student Success
Menard Hall
CNA/NAS Adjunct Instructor | Health Professions
Diana Heeb Bivona
Director, Continuing Education & Business Solutions | 69·çÁ÷-Medical District
69·çÁ÷-Medical District
Claire Heffron-McKinney
Student Success Adv. II | Student Success
Menard Hall
Surgical Technology Adjunct Instructor | Health Professions
Andy Hemstock
Course Materials Coordinator | Campus Services
Menard Hall
Business Adjunct Instructor | Social Sciences & Business
Research & Analytics Associate III | Inst Research & Effectiveness
Millennium Center
Carrie Henry
Administrative Assistant to the Dean | Mathematics & Computer Science
Sangamon Hall