Grades and GPA

Letter grades promote meaningful evaluation of student achievement, inform students of academic progress, and assess students' readiness to advance.

Your grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the grade points you receive for a course by the attempted credits of the course.

Grade points are determined by the number of credit hours for the course multiplied by the grade point, A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1 and F=0. So if you completed BIO 101 with a B grade, that would be worth 12 grade points, 4 credits x 3 = 12. Then you take the grade points, 12 and divide it by the credits, 4 and you have a 3.00 GPA, which is a B average.

For a semester of grades looking something like this —

  • BIO 101 - 4 credits - B - 12 grade points
  • MAT 104 - 4 credits - C - 8 grade points
  • PSY 101 - 3 credits - A - 12 grade points
  • CMN 101 - 3 credits - A - 12 grade points

Your grade points would cumulate to 44 grade points divided by 14 credits, for a GPA of 3.14.

You can also use an online grade point calculator. Enter in your actual or anticipated grades and the credit hours and it will calculate your GPA for you.

Each semester Lincoln Land Community College publishes the names of students who earned a 4.0 on the President’s list and students who earned between a 3.5 and 3.99 on the Vice President’s list. about the 69·çÁ÷ President's and Vice President's lists.

Instructors may at their discretion assign a grade of incomplete (I) to a student who has met at least 60% of all course requirements, but for valid and good reasons is unable to complete remaining course work by the official end of the academic term. The grade of I carries no honor points and is not used in computing a student’s cumulative grade point average. .

A student may elect to repeat a course. See the 69·çÁ÷ Catalog for detailed information on repeatable credit.